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Public ITI profile page of

Adam Rosenberg

Melbourne, Australia

  • ITI Fellow
  • registered since 2014

Academy Author Profile

Adam Rosenberg graduated with a BDS from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa in 1995 and obtained his Masters Degree in Periodontology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA in 2002. Adam’s interests include Implantology, Bone and Soft Tissue Grafting Techniques to enhance Aesthetic Outcomes, Adam is currently involved in clinical research in collaboration with the University of Melbourne: Conservative approach to treating patients with periodontal disease -endoscope assisted non surgical periodontal therapy. Adam is in full-time private periodontal practice in Malvern East, Melbourne, Victoria. Adam is a Fellow of the ITI and is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne Dental School.

Academy content by Adam Rosenberg (1 item)

Statement on Financial Relationships and Conflict of Interests

Adam Rosenberg has no financial relationships to disclose regarding authorship of ITI educational content and there are no conflicts of interest.

In case of content marked as "provided by industry partner", the author/speaker was reimbursed by said industry partner.