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Public ITI profile page of

Jacobus van Den Heever

Centurion, South Africa

  • Academy Author

Academy Author Profile

Cules van den Heever graduated as a dentist from the University of Pretoria in 1982. He spent 15 years in private practice. In 2001 he qualified as a prosthodontics specialist (University of Pretoria). He has been involved as part-time lecturer at the University of Pretoria since 1992, and was appointed as a full-time post graduate lecturer in the Department of Prosthodontics at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pretoria in November 2008.

In 2012 he became a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology. His special interests include maxillofacial prosthodontics. Cules has lectured at numerous national and international courses and congresses.

Academy content by Jacobus van Den Heever (1 item)

Statement on Financial Relationships and Conflict of Interests

Jacobus van Den Heever has no financial relationships to disclose regarding authorship of ITI educational content and there are no conflicts of interest.

In case of content marked as "provided by industry partner", the author/speaker was reimbursed by said industry partner.