Congress Lecture

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Introduction to Implant Dentistry

How is the Digital Workflow Integrated into Patient Treatment?

German Gallucci

This lecture demonstrates indications for and implementation of digital implant technology (DIT) in the clinical workflow. Dr. Gallucci uses clinical cases to discuss different levels of implementation and shows how DIT saves chairside time for both patient and clinician.

The eight patient cases shown range from a straightforward single-tooth replacements to several complex full-arch cases. Dr. Gallucci also shows how mini-implants can be integrated into the DIT workflow. This lecture highlights the ease and value of moving seamlessly between analog (conventional) and digital workflow steps.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to...

  • describe the steps in a DIT clinical workflow
  • identify clinical indications for implementation of DIT in the clinical workflow
  • recognize that integration of DIT varies between clinical cases, and that digital steps can be combined with analog steps
32 minutes
ITI World Symposium 2014
0.53 hours
Purchase price
16 Academy Coins
Publication date: Apr 12, 2015 Last review date: Apr 10, 2022 Next review date: Apr 10, 2025
  • 2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent
  • Congress Lecture
  • English
  • Introduction to Implant Dentistry
  • Languages

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